
A research study contains the following in its Introduction section:

"This study was undertaken to explore the effect of massage on total hours of sleep per 24-hour day, in persons averaging fewer than 7 hours of sleep per night, attributable to insomnia. . . . Presumably by increasing endorphin levels, massage seems to provide an immediate relaxation and an ability to sleep immediately following the session, but it is unclear whether these benefits actually extend to total sleep, despite anecdotal support. The claim that massage increases total hours of sleep has been inadequately researched. . . . Does massage increase the total number of hours of daily sleep? . . . It was posited that provision of daily late-morning massage would affect total hours of sleep per 24-hour day. The study’s causational explanation was based on the physiologic matrix of McCarthy, which includes effects of endorphins on sleep, learning ability, pain, digestive function, and cardiac output. . . . It was taken as established fact that massage is pleasant, that research subjects getting fewer than 7 hours of sleep per night were sleep-deprived, and that endorphins mediated the changes observed."

What is the purpose of the study?

Respuesta :


Explanation: The purpose of the research is to explore and investigate the authenticity of the effect of massage on increasing sleep hours. The research people getting less than seven hours of sleep are inadequately attributed to insomnia which has unnecessarily lead to the increased endorphin level. The research is interrogating the belief which is taken as an established fact that massage provides relaxation and ability to sleep and thus, increasing the total no. of sleep hours. Based on McCarthy's explanation, it cites that our endorphins conciliated with the ingrained belief that less than seven hours of sleep is pertaining to insomnia and massage provides a solution to this problem and thereby, proposing a critique to this belief.