
According to Burkeman, on what way are depressed people mentally stronger than non-depressed people? Do you agree or disagree with his argumant? Explain​

Respuesta :

Haha, I love this question. Ok, I’ve got this. I feel like depressed people, born with it or had obtained it, really feel like they’ve been through the ringer. They feel like they’ve been beat down harder than most can fathom. They’ve hit a rock bottom that they often thought there was no escape from. However, this seems to make them more tolerant when they resurface from their all time low. They let things roll off them a lot easier than before to avoid falling back into their old routine. They want to avoid ever hitting another rock bottom, so they seemingly become more patient and more relaxed about many situations. I, myself, agree that the depressed people of the world really are mentally stronger than people who’ve never experienced such a hard rock bottom. Sure, everyone has a gloomy day once in awhile. For the depressed, everyday is the worst day Of their life. It takes a real strong willed person to work past a constant stream of never ending dark days.

You might even benefit from negative emotions. Happiness is valued in our society, while unhappiness is seen as a waste of time.

Sadness, on the other hand, can slow you down and make you reflect on your life, your feelings, and the people around you. It might assist you in keeping track of your goals and relationships.

  • To put it another way, being sad does not imply that you are not dealing with a problem. It rather aids you in coming to terms with the issue and moving on.

  • It is a powerful emotion that can assist you in accepting, preserving, focusing, adapting, and growing.

  • Depression is a phase, and everyone is willing to seek help. Humans are prone to become psychologically weary as a result of the work-life algorithm, which can easily lead to depression.

  • It's just a matter of self-learning that taking a mental break in the form of sports, vacations, beaches, pets, dance, music, or calling a buddy will help people get out of their funk.

As a result, I agree with Burkeman that people who have witnessed the worst and experienced the most vulnerable stage of life will understand the importance of appreciating the simple things in life.

Learn more about the feelings of depression here: