Following are the code in c language
#include <stdio.h> // header file
int main() // main function
float gpa=4.5; // assuming variable
int deansList=8;
char studentName[45]="patel";
if (gpa > 3.5) // checking condition gpa exceeds 3.5.
deansList++; // add 1 to deanslist
printf("%s", studentName); // prints student name
return 0;
In this program we declared and initialized variables "gpa" with 3 of type "float", "deansList" with 8 of type "int" and "studentName" with "Patel" of type "char array". after that we check the condition if "gpa" exceed 3.5, then the block of if is executed and it increment the value of "deansList" by 1 and print the studentName .