Jessica believes that she succeeds in high school because she works hard, earned a place on the basketball team because she practices constantly, and cooks well because she takes cooking classes. Julian Rotter would say that Jessica has _____

Respuesta :

Answer:    An internal locus of control

Explanation:  According to Julian Rotter's theory, the effect that Jessica achieved was the result of her motivation to engage in certain behaviors that led to success. The expectation of success by people who are committed to a goal is the motivation for those people to succeed. Nevertheless, the internal locus of control refers to people who feel that their success or failure depends on themselves. Such people believe that they control their lives on their own, unlike those who attribute their successes or failures to others.

Jessica believes that she succeeded in middle school because she worked hard, got a place in the basketball team because she practiced constantly, and cooked well because she took cooking classes. Julian Rotter will say that Jessica has a diligent personality and continues to work hard.

Further explanation

We can observe the diligent nature of Jessica from the achievements she has achieved.

  • Like his success in high school,
  • he entered the basketball team because he trained hard,
  • became good at cooking because he took cooking classes.

Therefore we can state that Jessica has a good level of perseverance and hard work. Jessica achieved what she wanted by practicing and persevering until her wish came true.

Diligent is a human nature that does something seriously in order to achieve a goal.

Hard work is an activity that is done in earnest without fatigue or stopping before the work target is reached and always prioritizes or pays attention to the satisfaction of the results in every activity carried out. Hard work can be interpreted as working to have a serious nature to achieve the goals to be achieved. They can utilize the optimal time so that sometimes they don't recognize the time, distance, and difficulties they face. They are very enthusiastic and try hard to achieve good and maximum results.

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Class: high school

Subject: Social Studies

Keywords: personality, diligence, hardwork