Is this statement true or false concerning squall line thunderstorm development? These often form ahead of the advancing front but rarely behind it because lifting of warm, humid air and the generation of a squall line usually occur in the warm sector ahead of an advancing cold front. Behind a cold front, the air motions are usually downward, and the air is cooler and drier.

Respuesta :

Answer: The following statement is true about squall line thunderstorm development: These often form ahead of the advancing front but rarely behind it because lifting of warm, humid air and the generation of a squall line usually occur in the warm sector ahead of an advancing cold front. Behind a cold front, the air motions are usually downward, and the air is cooler and drier.

An upper-level wave, accountable for the fabrication of a squall line, extend in front of and backside a cold front, the air backside the front is cold, steady and settling while the air ahead of the front is hot and co-seismic.