Achilles pursues the man he accepts to be Agenor, yet soon Apollo uncovers himself to Achilles, provoking him for pursuing a divine being. Achilles is enraged that Apollo has kept him from gaining glory in battle and starts running toward the dividers of Troy. Hector is the main Trojan remaining outside the city, holding on to battle Achilles until the very end. (True/False)

Respuesta :

The correct answer is True.

It is true that Achilles pursues the man he accepts to be Agenor, yet soon Apollo uncovers himself to Achilles, provoking him for pursuing a divine being. Achilles is enraged that Apollo has kept him from gaining glory in battle and starts running toward the dividers of Troy. Hector is the main Trojan remaining outside the city, holding on to battle Achilles until the very end.

We are referring to book 22 of the "Iliad," the famous story written by the Greek poet Homer, who also wrote the Oddessey."

After the Trojan  Hector waits to battle Achilles to death, Priam realizes that Achilles is approaching and that is when he goes to Hector to beg him to enter the city wall to be safe. But Hector did not listen and want to confront Achilles.