HELP ASAP WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!! I need 2 people to debate on vaccination. Here is the format for the debate.

Pro Side:

First Constructive Speech:
1. Speaker's Name:
2. Argument:
3. Reasons/Evidence:

Second Constructive Speech:
4. Speaker's Name:
5. Argument:
6. Reasons/Evidence

7. Speaker's Name:
8. Remarks to Answer Opposing Viewpoint

Con Side:

First Constructive Speech:
9. Speaker's Name:
10. Argument:
11. Reasons/Evidence:

Second Constructive Speech:
12. Speaker's Name:
13. Argument:
14. Reasons/Evidence

15. Speaker's Name:
16. Remarks to Answer Opposing Viewpoint

Respuesta :



First Constructive Speech:

1. Speaker's Name: Dan

2. Argument: I think you should NOT get vaccinations.

3. Reasons/Evidence:

1. Vaccines have never been proven safe or effective:  Vaccine studies funded by pharmaceutical companies compare vaccine “side-effects” from one vaccine to another.

2. The very first Vaccine was a total disaster: The history of small pox vaccines demonstrates that the first vaccine resulted in an increase in the disease and created additional serious health consequences including syphilis and deaths. Physician groups met repeatedly to discuss the “vaccine problem” and concluded that as long as vaccines remained profitable, they would be impossible to eliminate, in spite of the evidence against them. Nothing has changed since this time.

3.  All vaccines contain a number of toxic poisons and chemicals that are linked to serious neurological damage including aluminum, thimerosal (methyl mercury), antibiotics, monosodium glutamate (MSG) and formaldehyde: Dangerous subtances found in vaccines include antifreeze, lead, acetone yeast proteins, glycerine, and cadmium.

Second Constructive Speech:

1.Speaker's Name: Jane

2.Argument: My opinion is to GET Vaccinations.

3. Reasons/Evidence:

1. Immunizations can save your family time and money: Vaccines have reduced, and in some cases, got rid of several diseases that killed or severely disabled people just a couple generations ago.

2. Immunization protects people you truly care about: To help keep them safe, it is important that you and your children who are able to get vaccinated are fully immunized.  This not only protects your family, but also helps prevent the spread of these diseases to your friends and loved ones.

3. Immunizations can save a child's life: You're child can be protected from several diseases. Some diseases that have killed children can be elimated.

That's all I have, I'm very sorry if I'm not able to answer you're request clearly.