i use to bully someone in 6th grade because of peer pressure and now I'm in 8th grade and i feel super bad about it. however, idk if they knew (I had talked bad about them behind their back because my friends were doing it). I had also moved awhile ago. I know their Instagram should i apologize through Instagram?

Also, do you have any tips on what to do if your getting bullied? I tried telling the teacher but they haven't really done anything.


Respuesta :


If you feel bad about bullying them and you really want to get it off your chest, you SHOULD contact them through Instagram and let them know that you're genuinely sorry for whatever you did. If you're getting bullied, you need to tell your principal and your guardian, and if you want, you can speak up to the bully. Never try to fight the bully, it can end with you or others getting hurt or getting in trouble which isn't good.



Honestly I have been through the same thing where when I was in 6-7th grade I would bully people like my friends and people I didn't know. For a while I never though anything of it until I hit 8th grade I felt so bad even though I had moved schools and they hated me for it they where just my friends because they didn't have no one else it was like I was their "queen". Eventually I found both of their Instagram's and asked if they "hated" me and they told me they did. I apologized for doing something so awful and I prayed that they would one day forgive me up until this day I know deep down inside they still hate me but there ain't nothing I can do about it. I do believe you should apologize but at the same time learn how to forgive yourself don't think about it to much. We are kids we learn to grow from it and learn how to handle a situation like this.

I do believe if you or someone you know is getting bullied seek help right away even from a parent is always good. For the first time this year I got bullied and it was awful they talked down on me and it was in a continuation school so the whole school would talk behind my back but I had those 4 solid friends that made school fun on a day to day basis. They always wanted to fight but I would turn and walk away and go home and tell me mom I'm in12th grade and I was getting bullied eventually I moved school but even talking to someone about it helps or talking to the person that is bullying you yk

I hope this helped and that things get better for you!
