The reaction of Glucose + Glucose → Glycogen is called glycogenesis and is an anabolic reaction.
Metabolic reactions can be anabolic or catabolic. Anabolic reactions are those where small molecules are joined to form a larger molecule; and the use energy. On the other hand, catabolic reactions are those where large molecules are broken in smaller molecules; and they release energy.
Glucose molecules are smaller than Glycogen. For this reason, the metabolic reaction of Glucose + Glucose → Glycogen is an anabolic reaction called glycogenesis.
Two types of metabolic reactions take place in the cell: 'building up' (anabolism) and 'breaking down' (catabolism).
Anabolic reactions use up energy. They are endergonic. In an anabolic reaction small molecules join to make larger ones. For example, the following condensation reactions that occur in cells are anabolic: