Respuesta :
Q1 Mi hija le manda las invitaciones a los invitados / Mi hija las manda
Q2 Mi hijo me puede comprar el vino/ Mi hijo me lo puede comprar
Q3 Mi mamá me puede prestar los platos que necesito / Mi mamá me los puede prestar
Q4 Mi cuñada nos trae la mantequilla/ Mi cuñada nos la trae
Q5 Silvia y Renata están preparando los entremeses / Silvia y Renata los están preparando
Q6 Héctor y Lorena traen las sillas que faltan / Héctor y Lorena nos las traen
Q7 Mi hijo puede pedirle el aceite a Mónica / Mi hijo puede pedírselo
Q8 Mis hijos servirán la cena a los invitados / Mis hijos les servirán la cena
Q9 Mi esposo me recomendará buena música de fondo / Mi esposo me la recomendará
Q10 La señora Villalba preparará los postres para los invitados/ La señora Villalba los preparará
Q1 The invitations! Who can send the invitations to the guests? My daughter sends the invitations to the guests / My daughter sends them
Q2 I don't have time to go to the cellar. Who can buy me the wine?My son can buy me the wine / My son can buy it from me
Q3 Oh! I don't have enough plates. Who can lend me the plates I need? My mom can lend me the plates I need / My mom can lend them to me
Q4 We lack butter. Who brings us the butter? My sister-in-law brings us the butter / My sister-in-law brings her the butter
Q5 Theside dish! Who is preparing the side dish ?Silvia and Renata are preparing the hors d'oeuvres / Silvia and Renata are preparing them
Q6 There are not enough chairs. Who brings us the missing chairs?TheHéctor and Lorena bring the missing chairs / Héctor and Lorena bring them to us
Q7 I don't have time to ask for the oil to Mónica, Who can ask her for the oil? My son can ask Monica for the oil / My son can ask for it
Q8 Who will serve the dinner to the guests? My children will serve dinner to the guests / My children will serve dinner
Q9 I want to play good music for background, Who will recomend me the music? My husband will recommend good background music / My husband will recommend it to me
Q10 Who will prepare the desserts? Mrs. Villalba will prepare desserts for guests / Mrs. Villalba will prepare them