In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism.Original Source MaterialThe fact that the day of Queen Victoria's funeral coincides with the birth of the narrator may, on the one hand, signify the cultural moment when Victorian decency and codes of femininity are left behind, buried, and put to rest, and in this way, it can be interpreted as a moment when even certain untold stories can be told. On the other hand, however, it may also foretell something of a story in which matrilineage is unnaturally broken; also, it tells us about the permeability of the border between, and about the coexistence of, life and death.References:Séllei, N., (2009) The mother in mourning as the subject of autobiography in Rosamond Lehmann's The swan in the evening: Fragments of an inner life. In A. O'Reilly, & S. Caporale-Bizzini (Eds.). From the personal to the political: Toward a new theory of maternal narrative (pp. 170-182). Cranbury, NJ: Susquehanna University Press.Student Version
Séllei (2009) provides two different points of view on the meaning of the fact that the funeral of Queen Victoria is the same day as the narrator's birth. I find it very interesting that she suggests that the date may "signify the cultural moment when Victorian decency and codes of femininity are left behind" (Séllei, 2009, p. 171).References:Séllei, N., (2009) The mother in mourning as the subject of autobiography in Rosamond Lehmann's The swan in the evening: Fragments of an inner life. In A. O'Reilly, & S. Caporale-Bizzini (Eds.). From the personal to the political: Toward a new theory of maternal narrative (pp. 170-182). Cranbury, NJ: Susquehanna University Press.Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?A. Word-for-Word plagiarismB. Paraphrasing plagiarismC. This is not plagiarism