Respuesta :
Evaporation is defined as the process in which liquid state of a substance changes into vapor state.
Six factors that affect evaporation are as follows.
- Temperature : When we increase the temperature then molecules of a liquid gain more kinetic energy. Due to this there will be more number of collisions and this will cause rapid formation of vapors. As a result, there will be increase in rate of evaporation.
- Surface area : More is the surface area in which liquid is present more its molecules are in contact with the surrounding. As a result, these molecules are able to escape out easily. Hence, rate of evaporation increases with increase in surface area.
- Speed of wind : More is the speed of wind more rapidly it is able to change the molecules of a substance from liquid to vapor state. Hence, rate of evaporation also increases.
- Humidity : More is the amount of water vapors present in air or surrounding region of the liquid then more slowly evaporation will occur. Hence, increase in humidity lowers the evaporation of a liquid.
- Concentration : More is the concentration of a substance or solute present in a liquid lower will be the rate of evaporation. This is because then less number of water molecules come in contact with the surrounding area. As a result, rate of evaporation will decrease.
- Density : Density is the mass present in per unit volume of a substance. So, more is the mass of a substance in per unit volume, more time it will take to evaporate as then there will be more number of molecules. Hence, denser is the substance lower will be its rate of evaporation.