Hi, I have several computer questions. These refer to the history of the internet. I would like to know if everything we look for on our mobile device via internet stays in the router / model history forever or is there a way to eliminate them. I want to know if when we search for something on the internet it stays somewhere besides the device (if the information stays on the device of the internet owner, that is, who pays for it, even if we delete it from our history). I would also like to know if when you delete the history of your cell phone or computer, it stays on the hard drive and who can see it.

P.S. If someone knows a website where other questions I have can be answered, I would appreciate.

Respuesta :


Hi dear user!

Hope my answer helps you and solve your queries.

First of all,

ISP which is an acronym of Internet Service Provider, keeps the track of all the activities their users perform through their network.

For eg :-

You have a connection of Airtel, whatever you will access through your Airtel network will always be tracked by your ISP which is Airtel. If you delete your search/download history from your phone/laptop, still it can be seen by Airtel, you cannot delete from there end. Even if you access anything in incognito mode, then your browser does not stores your data but your ISP still can see what all you accessed in incognito mode.

Now coming to your next question,

If you delete your data from your phone or laptop, it is still somewhere saved in the hard drive of that device. The file is deleted from the device but it's hard drive still have that file, and anyone can access to that data by using a certain software but for that, the person will also need your hard drive. There are certain softwares like Disk Drill which is used to recover the hard drive's data.

Hope your queries are resolved !