Respuesta :

Answer: The connective tissue that covers a bundle of muscle fibers is called perimysium.

Explanation:  There are three layers of connective tissue that enclose each skeletal muscle, providing structure and separation to the muscle fibers within. This composite three-layer connective tissue is called the Mysia.

The epimysium encloses each individual muscle, which allows for a distinct separation of the muscle from other tissues and organs present. The epimysium allows for individual movement.

Within the muscle, facicle , which are muscle fibers organized into bundles, are enclosed by the perimysium. This seconds connect tissue layer  allows for specific movement to occur by the triggering of the nervous system and the activation of a subset of muscle fibers within the bundle.

Within each bundle, a thin layer of reticular fibers and collagen called the endomysium encases each muscle fiber. The endomysium provides support to the muscle fibers utilizing nutrients via the blood and the extracellular fluid contained within the endomysium.