
Introduce myself in 1-2 minutes?

Can someone please make me a formal sample of self-introduction. It’s for my English subject.

I have no work. I’m only a student.

Respuesta :


This is an example I threw together just now. Feel free to rearrange, change numbers, and make it your own. Remeber to time yourself to make sure you hit the required time amount.


Hello, my name is __________. I have been attending this school for 3 years. I have 1 brother and 3 sisters, two dogs, one cat and three fish. Outside of the classroom, my hobbies include playing the guitar and lead vocals in my band, called Flywheel, where we perform at local coffee shops and social gatherings. I am deeply involved with community service through organizations such as FMSC, blood donations and St. Jude's. I hope to one day create my own non-profit where elderly and disabled animals, such as dogs, cats and horses, are cared for and rehabilitated. Inside of school, I am involved in NHS, spanish club, Key club and I am the president of Fossil Club. I hope to one day kick start the creation of a gay-straight alliance club at our school. Finally, I am looking forward to this class because I want to improve my technical writing and character analyzation skills. My past experience in English classes has taught me that my strenghts lie in timed writing and creative representations of text.