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Short note on Trimming of nails​

Personal hygiene is important in our daily life. One's personal benefit of good hygiene is will have a better health.Personal hygiene also includes taking care of small parts of your body such as fingernails and toenails.

Here are some 3 major things that could happen to you If you don't cut your toenails and fingernails : -

1. It can cause bacterial infection.

Yes, even nails can cause bacterial infection. This is because dirt can easily enter your nails while doing certain things. And We all know that bacteria and germs are attracted to dirt Especially in your toenails for example, when your wear your shoes, your feet will produce sweat because they will not have any space to breath inside the shoe. When you do not trim your nails, bacteria and germs will start growing into your toenails and can cause very bad bacterial infection.

2. It can causes food poisoning.

As we all know that dirt particles can enter into our nails that could cause bacterial infection although it can also cause Food poisoning. When we're using our hands to eat our food, and since Our long nails have dirt particles We eat the dirt particles even without knowing and we fall sick Which is food poisoning of course . So always keep your nails short.

3. It can also cause injury.

Keeping long nails can lead to injuring others as well as yourself while doing certain things.With long nails you might cut your self accidentally. It can even cause serious injury as when you accidentally hit your eye or someone else’s eye with it.

So, always keep your nails Trimmed !


It's important to keep your fingernails and toenails trimmed. If they grow too long and too wild, they may become sharp, jagged, and dangerous. You don't need to trim too much – you'll just want to tidy up your nails every few weeks to ensure that they are growing healthily. Read on for tips and techniques that you can use to keep your nails in check.


Soak your nails for a few minutes before you cut them – this softens the calcified growths and makes them easier to trim. If your nails are less brittle, you may be less likely to split them. Dry your hands and feet after washing. You can cut your nails while they are wet, but you may have more control over the cut if you are working in a dry environment.