LIttle Jimmy Brown's blood typing results showed agglutination with both the plasma containing anti A and anti B antibodies. What blood type does this reaction indicate? List all blood types that Jimmy can receive in order to save his life?

Respuesta :


Jimmy's blood type: "O" Blood

Jimmy can receive blood from: O blood type only.


The anti-A antibodies are present in the plasma of "B" blood type. Similarly, the blood type "A" has anti-B antibodies in its plasma. Since Jimmy's blood is showing agglutination with both "A" and "B" blood type, he has "O" blood type.

The "O" blood type has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in its plasma and exhibits agglutination with both A and B blood type. The "A" antigen of "A" blood type reacts with anti A antibodies of jimmy's blood while "B" antigen of "B" blood type would exhibit agglutination with "anti B antibodies" of Jimmy's blood. He can get blood from "O" blood type only as he has both anti-A and anti B antibodies in his blood plasma.