Respuesta :
The correct answer is C. Valid
In the scientific method, the term measurement refers to a scale, instrument or unit that is applied to an event or object to study it and prove a hypothesis. Additionally, measurements can be of different types as these are consider as quantitative if it deals with numerical information, as qualitative if they deal with patterns that are not expressed by numbers; as reliable if the results found with a measurement is replicable and verifiable and as valid in the case the measure directly addresses or measures the phenomenon, event or object that is being studied. Therefore, a measure that actually measures what it is intended to measure is considered as a valid measurement.
The answer is C. A measurement is considered valid if it actually measures what it is intended to measure, according to the topic of the study.
Validity is a term that is important in research. Validity means how sound your research is. More simply, validity makes sure that the methods and design of the research are sound. A measurement with high validity means that it actually measures what it needs to measure. If the variable is about subjective well-being, then the measurement has to actually measure the subjective well-being, and not anything else.
With saying that the research or measurement is valid, it is basically saying that the results are solid claims. Validity can also be applied in data collection. In data collection, validity means that the results of research truly represent the phenomenon that the researchers are claiming to measure.
Validity is a concern for all researchers. There is always a possibility that other factors can affect the research and invalidate the findings. To stop this from happening, the researcher must control all variables that can threaten the research’s validity. Controlling the extraneous factors is one of the primary responsibilities of a good researcher.
There are two kinds of validity, which is internal validity and external validity. Internal validity means that the flaws are located within the study itself, while external validity means that the findings of the research can’t be applied in other cases, other than the one in which the researcher has carried the research.
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KEYWORD: validity, research, measure, validity in research
Subject: Social Studies
Class: College
Subchapter: Validity