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Functionalist theory in Sociology seeks to expain social phenomena by the function that institutions extert in society.

If a particular social change promotes equilibrium then it is seen as harmonic, while if it does the contrary it becomes not disfunctional.

Emilie Durkheim ideas were key for forming this school of thought, his purpose was mainly a moral concern on the issues that arose among the young generations where he perceived societies biggest changes.

Emilie Durkheim's work was very much concerned with how societies could maintain their integrity and coherence in the context of modernity, as traditional social and religious ties are no longer assumed, and in which new social institutions happen to form.

Among his main works are:

The Division of Labour in Society (1893)

The Rules of Sociological Method (1895)

On the Normality of Crime (1895)

Suicid.e.  (1897)