Your state government is planning to stop the payment of registration fees for senior secondary school certificate examination.write a letter to the government giving three reasons, why the state should continue this gesture of goodwill

Respuesta :


Little Flower Secondary school.

xx, Victorian street,

abc City,

xyz State


01st July, 2019.

The Governor,

abc City,

xyz State

Dear Sir,


I wish to congratulate you Mr. Governor in your recent victory as the Executive Governor of our state. We hope your tenure will help to fix the loopholes and deal with an honest administration of our state prioritizing the most important issues.

I am writing to you as a concerned student as well as a responsible citizen of this country regarding a recent order issued regarding the "stop payment of SSCE Registration Fees" which will be implemented shortly. I came to understand that the registration fees support for the senior school certification examinations from the government will be discontinued for students in this state. I would honestly like to bring to your notice, the following consequences of such implementation and the reasons why you should continue with this good gesture.

Firstly, I come from a poor background and my father who is the only breadwinner of the family is a farmer. Considering both the "Economy" and "Education" of this state, it is more than clear that 65% of the students come from poor class who belong to SC/ST group of the society. In view of the fact that the parent's burden to shoulder such huge amounts is practically impossible and that would only result in massive dropout of several intelligent students due to lack of support from the government. The short-term consequence of the implication of this law would be “massive dropouts from the schools” with low literacy rate and the long-term consequence could be that such dropout students might probably indulge in illegal activities for survival or existence with high crime rate.

Secondly, the denial of such payment or the withdrawal of the support would not only demotivate the youth but also force them to use their intellectual brain in mal practices in the society like hacking etc. There are many talented youths in the society who are able to build a beautiful society if given an opportunity. However, such denial of support will only lead in economy break down at some point of the time due to their low literacy rate and the constant combat for the survival creating chaos and disaster in the state. As a matter of fact, the poor people should be helped by the government as it is one and the only source for such destined families who are below poverty line.

Last but not the least, the law reformation and reaffirmation should only result in balancing the economy and not to deteriorate. For example, the support extended at the schooling stage by the government could be linked to any of service to the country after schooling by the student. The student would be forced to serve the country upon successfully finishing his schooling so the support can be repaid in terms of service to the country to show his gratitude. The rich and the poor need to break the dichotomy that currently exist between them and giving them an opportunity and status to show their talent or intellectual capabilities and move on to the next stage of their education will go a long way in breaking the dichotomy.

In conclusion, your excellency, after critical analysis of the situation, we the citizens of this state, eagerly look upon your decision to rescind the new law enforcement to stop paying the students for the senior school certificate examination. We would also like to guarantee, your excellency, our promise to continue the social service from our part to the society after schooling in whatsoever area. We plead your excellency to give this a second thought to continue the gesture of goodwill in order to help the poor families and reduce the stress and remove the burden of payment who cannot afford the payment of fees. By which we can also reduce the criminal, dubious or fraudulent acts to earn money for survival due to lack of education and low literacy rate in the economy.

I will be delighted to see the outcome of your decision and if my writings can be of some help to the society and make this a better place to live in with your guaranteed help to continue the financial aid to the senior secondary school certificate examination.

Thanking you in advance.

Yours faithfully,




Universidad de Mexico