Respuesta :


The correct answer to the question: What is the most important commodity in a postindustrial society, would be: Information.


Now that the economic systems have evolved from the Industrial Revolution, and given the advancement in mechanization and technology, it is possible to find that information is the most valuable asset and access to it, to communication systems, categorizes a country into one of the four groups, depending on on what their economy focuses, and produces. As such, countries whose economies are still based on agriculture, and mining, are called primary, those who start to focus on manufacturing, more than agriculture, are called secondary. Those nations that specialize in the offering of services, are called tertiary, and those focused on learning, and research, as well as technological and scientific advancement, are part of the quaternary group. It is thus, well known, that those countries whose economies are within the third and fourth categories produce information, gather information, and distribute it, and have the power over communications systems, thus making them the most advanced, and powerful, in the world.