How is the following passage from a cause-and-effect essay organized?
The greenhouse gas theory states that, in normal conditions, sunlight warms the earth during the day. Then, at night the earth cools down. However, over the years, gases such as carbon dioxide have been released into the atmosphere. Now, those gases trap the heat that the earth would have cast off before.

by chronological order

point by point

by order of importance

subject by subject

Respuesta :

Chronological order


By chronological order


The cause-and-effect essay is not an essay that one should write about in disorderly way. An essayist should take his/her to state them out. Firstly one should orderly state out the causes of what led to the event. Secondly the aftermath should come last thereby allowing the essayist to state out his/her the effect. The essayist should the chronological order when writing a cause-and-effect essay. Thank you.