Which of the following is an example of a microaggression? (a) a pregnant woman who is not given paid maternity leave by her employer (b) an employer who pays his female employees less than his male employees (c) men who whistle at and catcall a woman who is walking down the street (d) a sports team that refuses to allow female athletes to play

Respuesta :

Letter C is the correct answer.

Microaggression is defined as a subtle but harmful behavior, comment or action that transmits a derogatory, hostile or negative message to a target person. A good example of microaggression happens when men whistle at and catcall women who are walking down the street. Microaggressions can be intentional or unintenional, but they make their victims feel uncomfortable or insulted. Marginalized people (such as women or people of color) are often targets of microaggressors.


The correct answer is; (c) men who whistle at and catcall a woman who is walking down the street


A microaggression can be defined as a regular, derogatory, harmful behavior which can be verbal or non-verbal and is usually displayed towards a group especially a minor or lower group. People that show microaggression behavior may do it intentional or unintentionally. They may or may not know the potential effect of their words or behavior. A man that whistles at and catcall a woman who is walking down the street is an example of a microaggression.