Which is the best example of imagery in sec.29 of "the invalid's story"?
A. ...the original smell stood up out of it just as sublime as ever...and my, how rich it was!
B. ...i didn't make these reflections there--there wasn't time...
C. ...and breaking for the platform, thompson got suffocated and fell...
When they got well started, I couldn't see, myself, how even the corpse could stand it. All that went before was just simply poetry to that smell,--but mind you, the original smell stood up out of it just as sublime as ever,--fact is, these other smells just seemed to give it a better hold; and my, how rich it was! I didn't make these reflections there--there wasn't time--made them on the platform. And breaking for the platform, Thompson got suffocated and fell; and before I got him dragged out, which I did by the collar, I was mighty near gone myself. When we revived, Thompson said dejectedly,--
"We got to stay out here, Cap. We got to do it. They ain't no other way. The Governor wants to travel alone, and he's fixed so he can outvote us."