What part of speech are these words ----------------
analyze to examine methodically by separating into parts and studying their relationships
civilize to change from a rough existence to a more advanced existence
create to cause to come into being
cremate to burn to ashes
dramatize to make something into a play for the stage ormovies
exercise to do physical activity done for the benefit of thebody
exterminate to do away with; to kill
finalize to make complete
finance to manage or contribute money
hyphenate to insert a hyphen
illuminate to shine a light on
industrial having to do with the manufacturing of products
justify to prove innocent or right
legalize to make lawful
legislate to make and pass laws
legitimize to legalize
meditate to ponder; to think deeply
minimize to make small or diminish
mutilate to disfigure or damage permanently, as by cutting off an appendage of thebody
situate to put in a certain location
summarize to put into review by reducing to its main parts
supervise to have charge over; to direct or inspect
tantalize to entice
terrorize to overpower and attempt to control through intense fear
visualize to imagine