It transformed the U.S into world peace makers
Before the 20th century, America was not known for its military/ intervention into other countries affairs. Washington warned America in his farewell address to not get involved in foreign affairs, and for a while we remained isolationists. When we entered WW1 we were not seen as a threat by the Germans, because our military had not gain the reputation yet. After winning and involving ourselves in WW1 and WW11, and having knowlege on the Atomic bomb (as well as using it), America became a threat and peace maker to the world. It does not end there. You can go on to talk about our policy of containment during the Cold War, in which we created a war on communism, and said it was a threat to our livelyhood. Then the war on terrorism, so we basically just started getting involved in anything we felt did not match our values, which we had been wary of before.
(Sorry, I did this from an U.S history stand-point)
Hope this helps!!