Respuesta :

Answer: The magnetic lines of force enter the Earth through the South magnetic Pole.

Let's start by explaining that Earth is similar to a magnetic bar with a north pole and a south pole. This means, the axis that crosses the Earth from pole to pole is like a big magnet.

Now, by convention, on all magnets the north pole is where the magnetic lines of force leave the magnet and the south pole is where the magnetic lines of force enter the magnet.

Then, for the case of the Earth, the north pole of the magnet is located towards the geographic south pole and the south pole of the magnet is near the geographic north pole.

That is why the north pole of the needle of a compass (being a north magnetic pole) is attracted by the geographic north pole (which is a magnetic south pole), as the opposite poles are attracted.

And it is for this reason, moreover, that the magnetic field lines enter the Earth through its magnetic south pole (which is the geographic north pole).


Magnetic lines of force enter earth in the north pole.


The magnetic lines of force leave the earth on the south and enter the earth in the north.

thank you.