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Menkaure is the smallest of the three. Khafre has a top of limestone and still hold some of its veneer. Khufu is the oldest and largest. It is believed that the slope of the sides was intended to mimic the sun rays. It is a true pyramid with a square base and four, triangular, sloping sides. It was made using cut stone blocks, which each weigh around 2.5 tons.
The great pyramids of Giza, in Cairo, Egypt, are magnificent structures built with an angle of 52 grades, impossible to built in nowadays modern engineering. The pyramid of Djoser is a step pyramid is located in Saqqara, Egypt, built in 2700 BC as a burial to Pharaoh Djoser. It was a cut stone construction that in no way compares to any of the pyramids of Giza.
What are Pyramids?
The word "pyramid" comes from the Greek word pyramis which meant 'wheat cake'.The Egyptian pyramids are ancient masonry structures located in Egypt. Egypt's pharaohs expected to become gods in the afterlife. To prepare for the next world they erected temples to the gods and massive pyramid tombs for themselves, filled with all the things each ruler would need to guide and sustain himself in the next world.
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