Respuesta :
First, be sure the anecdote you have in mind is relevant to the context. If you are writing about dogs, for example, an anecdote about a cat is irrelevant. Ask yourself, “Why do I want to use this anecdote? What point does it illustrate?”
Next, consider these questions:
Who was involved in the story?
What happened?
When did it happen? Is this relevant?
Where did it happen? Is this relevant?
Explanation: that tells you how to write the paragraph.. here is an example paragraph:
(p.s do not copy this, try to use your own words for these paragraphs)
A female boss I worked under years ago didn’t like hiring young women, “They’re just going to get married and move away or have babies, and then we have to give them maternity leave,” she would say. This illustrates that women are sometimes also guilty of gender discrimination.
You can also use anecdotes to amuse or entertain. Not all anecdotes are serious! If something really funny happens to you today, you’ll tell your friends, won’t you? That’s an anecdote! Here’s one of my favorites:
My brother used to have an absolute obsession with answering the phone in time. He would get quite agitated if it stopped ringing before anyone picked up. One day, the phone started ringing while he was in the bathroom. He called out in a panicky voice, “Ring the phone! It’s answering!” The phone didn’t get answered. I was laughing much too hard for that!
hope this helps plz mark me brainliest
As i woke, I noticed a spider staring at me. There was something odd, it had 16 legs. I shook my head and went with my normal routine. I went to the restroom to wash my teeth. I brushed with tiny circles, as if making a design. I glanced at the top of the mirror, the spider was there again. It had the same amount of legs. I stared, never had been this scared of spiders until now. Lastly, I made my way to the fidge, looking for something to eat, I noticed the same spider.
From that point on, that spider has been my small, but mighty friend.