Respuesta :
here are some choices to choose from:
bringing up
bringing up, rearing, raising, breeding, care, upkeep, cultivation, fostering, tending etc.
Theses: theory, contention, argument, line of argument, proposal, proposition, premise, assumption, presumption, hypothesis, postulation, surmise, supposition;
Dyslexic Sentence Examples. Non-dyslexic siblings may be jealous of the attention, time, and money the dyslexic child receives from the parents. ... Dyslexic children have difficulty separating parts of words and single words within a group of words. Approximately 50% of males with Klinefelter syndrome are dyslexic.
Unprivileged: needy, deprived, in need, in want, in distress, disadvantaged, needful, poor, destitute, in reduced circumstances, in straitened circumstances, impoverished, poverty-stricken, penurious, indigent
Amatuer: nonprofessional, nonspecialist, layman, layperson
Wattles: make, enclose, or fill up with wattle.