When copernicus said that the sun is the center of the solar system, it challenged the catholic church's position that there is no distinct god substance. earth was specially created by god. people are born with a belief in god. all people are perfect and free of sin?
Neither statement is true. But neither statement is completely false. Our world orbits the Sun. All humans are, in accordance with the Bible, created in the image of a higher being. That does not mean other life is not created in the same image. It means we are all created to be that higher creator’s perfect creation. According to the Catholic Church we were at first made without the willingness to sin. This is proven by science because the first humans could not have the thinking capacity to “sin” or will the wrong of others. So if the question is: All people are perfect and free of sin?
Yes, everyone is a perfect image of what the higher being, God, or creator (whatever you call Him) wants all of life to be. And No, no human is free of the desire to sin which is the will to do or want the wrong of others because by evolution our brains have been able to have the capacity to know right from wrong.