
write four sentences about your screen time:
what your parents let you do,and what they dont allow you to do.

Respuesta :

I watch sports an eat food. I also like to hang with my friends at the park an play ball.

if you mean screen time as in what i do on my phone here’s an answer:

on my phone, my parents let me use my own icloud account and my own app store and don’t need to verify anything i get. i’m also allowed to have online friends as they know i don’t get involved with anything sketchy and my search history isn’t monitored. every once in a while they go through everything- all my texts, photos etc, but it’s not too often and they don’t monitor what i do in between the times they go through it. i’m not allowed to talk about anything personal, put any personal information out there, or share anything that’s private about my family. but mostly what i’m not allowed to do is common sense.