Check five qualities of the Byronic hero.

1. insignificant

2. larger-than-life

3. enjoys suffering

4. isolated from society

5. haunted by unidentified sin

6. joyful

7. moody, melancholy, cynical

Respuesta :


1.smiled, grinned

2. lucky, favored

3. mocked, scoffed

4. soaked, drenched

5. happy, elated

Explanation: Denotation is the literal meaning of the word;

in 1. both words include a smile;

in 2. both words include some type of luck;

in 3. there is mockery involved;

in 4. both words denote something wet;

in 5. there is happiness involved.



3)enjoys suffering

4)isolated from society

5)haunted by unidentified sin

7)moody, melancholy, cynical