Please answer all of these Thank You:)

1) Which description of the Freedman’s Bureau is correct?

A. It repatriated former slaves to Liberia in West Africa.
B. It established schools in the South for former slaves.
C. It arranged for former slaves to enroll at West Point .
D. It represented former slaves who were suing their owners.

2) What do the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1866 have in common?

A. They were ways Congress sought to guarantee blacks the full rights of citizenship.
B. They were attempts by president Abraham Lincoln to end regional and racial divisions.
C.They were laws President Andrew Johnson supported to punish south slave owners.
D. They were efforts by Congress to solve economic problems in the south.

3) Which description of the impeachment process as defined by the U.S. Constitution is correct ?

A. The House of Representatives removes a sitting president from office by a two-thirds majority.
B. The Supreme Court decides whether a law passed by Congress is constitutional.
C. The president demands the resignation of a Supreme Court justice he disagrees with.
D. The Senate acts as Jury in the trial of a government official accused of serious misconduct.

4) Which describes a disadvantage of the sharecropping system.

A. Government officials could not collect taxes on farm produce.
B. Carpetbaggers ended up owning the most productive land.
C. Sharecroppers were trapped in a cycle of poverty and debt.
D. Land owners were prohibited from making a profit.

5) Which was NOT an economic problem facing the United States at the end of the Civil War?

A. The failure of Reconstruction.
B. The lack of new factory jobs in the North.
C. The sudden liberation of millions of slaves.
D. The ruined roads, bridges, and buildings in the South.

6) Which was a weakness Andrew Johnson brought to the presidency?

A. Disloyalty.
B. Flexibility.
C. Stubbornness.
D. Cowardice.

7) Why did Senator Edmund Ross Vote not guilty in the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson?

A. He had served with Johnson in the war and knew him to be an honorable man.
B. He represented a state that had supported Johnson in the last election.
C. He sincerely believed that Johnson had not committed and impeachable offense.
D. He wanted to get back at Johnson’s enemies by upsetting their plans.

8)Which resulted from Andrew Johnson’s acquittal in his Senate impeachment trial?

A. The legislative branch became more powerful than the executive branch.
B. The judicial branch became the most powerful branch of government.
C. The balance of power among the three branches of government was preserved.
D. The executive branch became more powerful than the legislative branch.

9) Which was a legal tactic used by whites in the post-Reconstruction South to deny blacks their voting rights?

A. Poll tax.
B. Bribery.
C. Public opinion poll.
D. Lynching.

10) Which describes President Abraham Lincoln’s approach to Reconstruction?

A. Deport leading Confederate generals and politicians.
B. Give all political power in the South to freed slaves.
C. Force southern states to pay the entire cost of the war.
D. Reunite the nation with as little pain as possible.

11) How did some southern whites deny justice to blacks during Reconstruction?

Choose ALL the answers that are CORRECT.

A. They forced black children to attend integrated schools in white neighborhoods.
B. They passed laws restricting black voting and land ownership.
C. They allowed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize blacks.
D. They passed the 13th Amendment Denying citizenship to blacks.

12) Which term was used by Southerners to refer to a Northerner who came south during Reconstruction to make money?

A. Abolitionist.
B. Guerilla.
C. Emigrant.
D. Carpetbagger.

13) How did the federal government try to protect the rights of blacks during congressional Reconstruction?

A. It instituted black codes and Jim Crow laws in all southern states.
B. It forced southern legislatures to appoint Redeemer Democrats.
C. It sent soldiers south to ensure blacks could exercise their rights.
D. It supported the Ku Klux Klan and other southern groups.

14) Which describes how the 14th Amendment affected the balance of power in the United States?

A. Congress gained the power to impeach state legislatorsj and governors.
B. The federal government gained the power to protect individual rights in all states.
C. The states gained the power to declare federal laws unconstitutional.
D. The president gained the power to nullify state laws.

Thank You if you answer them all I will mark brainliest:)

Respuesta :


1: B. It established schools in the South for former slaves.

2: A. They were ways Congress sought to guarantee blacks the full rights of citizenship.

3: B. The Supreme Court decides whether a law passed by Congress is constitutional.

4: C. Sharecroppers were trapped in a cycle of poverty and debt

5: B. The lack of new factory jobs in the North.

6: C. Stubbornness.

7: C. He sincerely believed that Johnson had not committed and impeachable offense.

8: A. The legislative branch became more powerful than the executive branch.

9: A. Poll tax.

10: D. Reunite the nation with as little pain as possible.

11: B and C

B. They passed laws restricting black voting and land ownership.

C. They allowed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize blacks.

12: D. Carpetbagger.

13: B. The federal government gained the power to protect individual rights in all states