
Am I matching the right definitions:

Trade winds:
These are persistent tropical winds that blow from the subtropical high pressure centers towards the equatorial low. They blow northeasterly in the Northern Hemisphere.

North and south of the trade wind belt lie regions where winds tend to blow from west to east. The winds are highly variable and unsteady, especially so during winter. during wintertime, midlatitude storms and their frontal systems travel from west to east bringing frequent changes in weather.

Sunny weather with little clouds and no rain prevails. In the days of sailing these latitudes were referred to as the horse latitudes.

Polar easterlies:
Winds with a generally easterly component prevail. The air here is cold, dry and stable, especially during winter

Polar front:
It separates between the cold (and dry) polar air, and the relatively warm (and more humid) midlatitude air.

Respuesta :

Yes they are all correct

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