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moon Shadow describes the poorer demons that hang out around
Polk Street. He thinks the houses look like monsters with lots of
windows for eyes.The wagon pulls up to a Victorian house. Moon
Shadow is frightened when he is told to watch the wagon while Windrider
and Hand Clap go inside.Hand Clap wishes Moon Shadow and
Windrider well and prepares to go, but Red Rabbit waits for Windrider to
get in. It's a bittersweet moment when Moon Shadow and Windrider watch
Hand Clap and Red Rabbit slowly recede in the distance.Windrider
and Moon Shadow go to the backyard stable, where Windrider immediately
gets to work building shelves for the Company's gifts.The two
go to the main house to visit their landlady, Miss Whitlaw. But first,
Moon Shadow's a smelly kid, so Windrider gives him a crisp new shirt to
wear. Moon Shadow complains that Miss Whitlaw is only a demon, why
should he clean up? Windrider responds that Mother believes everyone
should be treated with respect in case they were royalty in past lives.The
father and son meet Miss Whitlaw, the first demoness Moon Shadow has
seen up close. Moon Shadow expects her to look like a Miyazaki villain
of sorts, but finds her to be pleasant.Windrider and Moon
Shadow present Miss Whitlaw with a picture of the Stove King, a
messenger to the Lord of Heaven who Tang people bribe with tasty foods
so he'll report good things about the families.Miss Whitlaw
invites Windrider to tea and Moon Shadow to gingerbread cookies and
milk. Moon Shadow is suspicious of the milk, mistaking it for cow's
urine. He is all about the gingerbread cookies, however, and eats all of
them.Throughout this introduction to Miss Whitlaw, Windrider
and Moon Shadow alternate between Mandarin and English, with the English
designated by italics in the book.A crash at the door
announces Miss Whitlaw's niece, Robin, who moved in when her parents
died. Robin is the first demon child Moon Shadow has been so close to.
Robin is spying at the door, and Miss Whitlaw reprimands her.Moon
Shadow is busy checking out Robin's red hair and gingham dress when he
notices her toy gadget, the stereopticon. He looks through the lenses
and is shocked to find himself looking at Niagara Falls.They
all move to the parlor room. The room has a slide projector, travel
books, and other knick knacks that imply Miss Whitlaw's love for travel.Moon
Shadow admires the stained glass window featured in the parlor. The
window depicts a dragon, which Miss Whitlaw describes as evil creatures
that St. George killed. Moon Shadow is stunned that the demoness's idea
of dragons is so negative and clearly misguided. He wants Windrider to
correct her, but Father says it's rude to correct a host.Robin
begins playing the piano, the first that Moon Shadow has seen of its
kind. Miss Whitlaw takes the bench and plays "Simple Gifts" upon Robin's
request. Moon Shadow is impressed by the way Miss Whitlaw plays and
sings.The sun's glow through the stained glass mixed with the
overall encounter with the demoness makes Moon Shadow wish his mother
were with him.When Moon Shadow and Windrider return to their
stable, Moon Shadow shares some theories about Miss Whitlaw being a Tang
person in a former life, or being the ghost of a Tang woman.Moon
Shadow falls asleep considering the notion that he and Miss Whitlaw
were maybe even mother and son in a previous life. He decides that she
deserves to know about dragons, if so.