Respuesta :

Answer: it is when you discuss a price for an item a person is selling trying to get them to lower the price so you can afford it while the sails man is trying to compromise your price with something that he or she would like more.


gerund or present participle: bargaining

1 negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction."he bargained with the city council to rent the stadium"

2 synonyms:

3 haggle, barter, negotiate, discuss terms, hold talks, deal, wheel and deal, trade, traffic; More


◦ part with something after negotiation but get little or nothing in return."his determination not to bargain away any of the province's existing economic powers"

◦ be prepared for; expect."I got more information than I'd bargained for"

◦ synonyms:

◦ expect, anticipate, be prepared for, allow for, plan for, reckon with, take into account/consideration, contemplate, imagine, envisage, foresee, predict, look for, hope for, look to; More