
What has the international community done to prevent the Holocaust from occurring again? Even with the actions of the international community, other acts of persecution and genocide have occurred in the world. Identify and describe one of these acts, and explain how the international community responded to it. 6-8 SENTENCES.

Respuesta :

The genocide in Rwanda in 1994 is a good example where the international community did not responded adequately. From the late 1980's through the first years of the 1990's the tensions in Rwanda have been constantly increasing. The Hutu majority started to militarize and it was sponsored by the government itself. Despite being well aware of this, and that there's a very high chance of genocide over the Tutsi minority, the international community did nothing to prevent that, instead it was very passive. Seeing an opportunity where they were not going to be opposed and attacked by the intentional community, the Hutu attacked the Tutsi and started to systematically kill them, performing a text book genocide. Luckily for the Tutsi, they had a military wing that manage to stop the genocide to a certain point and defeat the Hutu extremists. The international community reacted pretty much after everything was ended.