
Give the appropriate term to following phrases. 1. manorial land held by the lord, attached to the manor house, and not held by serfs or freemen investiture 2. a social, economic, and political system in the Middle Ages in which vassals gave military service in return for land and protection from a lord fief 3. in feudal society, the land held from a lord in return for service manorialism 4. ceremony in which the vassal declares his loyalty to his lord and receives his fief demesne 5. a social and economic system in the Middle Ages feudalism 6. a noble holding a fief from another noble of higher rank

Respuesta :


Feudalism conventionally denotes the type of society and the political system originating in western and central Europe and dominant there during the greater part of the Middle Ages. However, the term is also applied to other societies and systems of government with similar characteristics, in antiquity and in modern times; in the Marxist usage it refers to a type of society and economy characterized by serfdom, generally succeeding the economic systems based on slavery and preceding capitalism.
