Digestion, Urinary, and Endocrine systems are each connected to Diabetes in how a person manages there food intake, regulating blood sugar levels, and the body's way to remove excess sugar through the urine. Type II Diabetes Mellitus is a growing problem for the American population and can be directly related to weight gain and obesity.

Diabetes Mellitus diagnoses need to meet certain criteria:
Fasting plasma glucose >= 126 mg/dL; OR
Symptoms (polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss); AND
Random plasma glucose >= 200 mg/dL; OR
A1C >= 6.5%

For your discussion post:
Discuss if a person should take action before or after the clinical criteria of Type II Diabetes Mellitus is met?
What other factors can lead to Type II Diabetes Mellitus?
Describe three changes patients can make to prevent or address Type II Diabetes Mellitus?