_____ process form mountains due to deformation at a plate boundary

Orogenic processes
Orogeny is a mountain building process and it occurs at mostly constructive and destructive margins of plate.
The earth is divided into lithospheric plates which rides over the plastic and less denser asthenosphere. At plate boundaries between a continental and oceanic margin, the oceanic plates subducts. As it pulls deeper within the earth, geothermal heating of the slabs occur. The resulting magma forces its way up to the crust and causes chain of mountains on the earth surface in a continental crust. Magma pools within the crust can also cause uplift of an area.
Also, along continental to continental crust margins, the two crusts have nearly thesame density. Instead of subduction occurring, the plates buckles and begins to deform. They thereby collide constructively and chains of mountains form in this process via uplift. This is prevalent in the Himalaya region.
Answer: Orogenic processes form mountains due to deformation at a plate boundary.