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Hey I'am a french native speaker. To get better is "aller mieux" Like if you want to say that you aren't sick anymore you can say "je vais mieux" "vais" is the first person of singular of present of "aller"
To get better ► aller mieux
je vais
tu vas
il/elle/on va
nous allons
vous allez
ils/elles vont.
"A" get better = A vont mieux. (3e pers. plural)
"Mieux" is an adverb, so it won't change....
- meilleure(e) = comparative and superlative form of the adjective "bon" (good)
- mieux = comparative and superlative form of the adverb "bien" (well)
usually, you'll use "meilleur" to compare adjectives, nouns, and you will use "mieux" to modify verbs