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I’ll use myself as an example and see if that helps answer ur question. I knew little about global warming and climate change; i knew it existed. But I had no idea what fossil fuels were, and was honestly too lazy to look it up. Same thing with everything else that affected the climate and the issue of global warming. I knew it was there, but I was too lazy to look it up, and I didn’t know where to begin my research. Not knowing if the information I was getting over the internet was accurate or not didn’t help either. But when I took an environmental geography class this semester, I was absolutely shocked at how bad and how serious this issue actually is. It’s also very interesting to learn about, and it’s so bad that it really prompts people to want to do something about it. Many people I know switched their majors to env geo, and there are a lot cases where people around the world leave their current jobs (even CEO’s) to dedicate their lives to helping the environment.