Respuesta :
- Increases the activity of the central nervous system. Stimulants
- Increases the heart rate and suppresses the appetite. Amphetamines
- First used by Europeans as a local anesthetic; now abused for its euphoric effects. Cocaine
- Found in coffee beans, tea leaves, and cocoa beans. Caffeine
- Reduces the activity of the central nervous system. Depresants
- Suppresses brain activity by blocking the ability of nerves in the brain from sending or receiving signals. Barbiturates
- Reduces the physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety by reducing brain activity. Tranquilizers
- Pain-killing drugs that are derived from opium. Narcotics
Some of the terms did not match the definition.
1. Substances that increase the activity of the central nervous system are called stimulants, they stimulate the CNS making it more active.
3. Cocaine in its beginnings was used as an anesthetic because it affects the synapsis in neurons.
4. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that is in coffee, tea leaves, and cocoa beans. It is what makes us awake or on alert when we are tired and we drink coffee, tea, or eat chocolate.
5. If caffeine is a stimulant that increases the activity in the Central Nervous System, any substance that reduces the activity in the CNS is a depressant.
7 and 8. Narcotics are pain-killing drugs that are derived from opium, which is a depressant drug but is not a tranquilizer.