133. Discharging oil upon navigable waters. Except in case of emergency imperiling life or property, or unavoidable accident, collision, or stranding, or as otherwise permitted by law, it is unlawful and constitutes a misdemeanor for any person to discharge, or suffer the discharge of oil by any methods, means, or manner, into or upon the navigable waters of the State from any vessel using oil as fuel for the generation of propulsion power, or any vessel carrying or having oil in excess of that necessary for its lubricating requirements, and such as may be required under the laws and prescribed rules and regulations of the United States and this State.
What sentence BEST summarizes paragraph 133?
A) In some cases, a vessel may discharge oil, and that’s OK.
B) Excess oil that is discharged from vessels into navigable waters is a punishable misdemeanor.
C) All boats do not need to be in navigable waters if they are going to be discharging excess oil.
D) Excess oil can, in some rare cases, actually be discharged lawfully, assuming the instance is such that it cannot be avoided and must therefore fall under other jurisdictional laws that allow such.

Respuesta :


The answer is B


A simple topic sentence like: Excess oil that is discharged from vessels into navigable waters is a punishable misdemeanor. does two things well: 1 introduces the reader to the main idea (excess oil doesn't belong in the water), and 2 lets the reader know that this is a misdemeanor.