hey, so I'm doing a 500-word essay, here's the question:" What was it like to be an African American during the Jim Crow era? How were African American people treated when it came to finding work, riding on a bus, visiting a local park, or other daily life events? How did cultural protest cause changes in the "status quo" for African Americans?" if you could just proofread that would be great ill give brainliest too!

Being African American during the jim crow era was incredibly hard. Every day you would encounter enormus amount of racism, even trying to drink water in a public water fountain you faced racism. Everything was separated when it came to African Americans and white people. When you tried to go to the bathroom you had to find a colored bathroom, not a white bathroom. Also due to the extreme segregation and past of colored people being slaves, people developed very harsh feelings against African Americans. Due to these feelings, you would always be put down and act like you were less than a person by white people. Getting constantly put down caused most colored people to be ashamed of what they were and caused depression. Colored people were treated incredibly bad when it came to basic needs. When looking for a job they would be immediately denied for high paying jobs due to their skin color, not how they work. Also, there was a wage gap between colored people and white people, meaning that a colored person would receive less pay than a white worker just due to their skin color. While using public transportation you were treated like a dog, being forced to give up your seat to a white person even if you were there first. Rosa Parks is famously known for refusing to give up her seat and she is now hailed a hero for standing up against racism. Colored people were even forced to sit in the back of the bus even if it was empty. Sometimes you would have to walk a long way just to find a colored bathroom because some places only had white bathrooms. During the era of the Jim Crow laws a new group was born, the Ku Klux Klan. This was a group dedicated to racism and the oppression of colored people. This group would do horrible things from jumping people to murdering people by hanging them on a tree. This klan was at its highest point during this time and there were about 6 million of them around 1924. In fact, they are still alive today, this extremist group is about 8,000 people in the present day. Due to a large number of extremists taking over America, there was obviously a lot of fright in colored people. They were scared to do anything because the Ku Klux Klan might go after them. We will never know exactly how many lives the Ku Klux Klan has claimed but there have been estimates, of 3,960. Although this number is only including colored people killed, the KKK also went after many other people such as Jews, Catholics, and Republicans. Yet this number doesn't include the many killings that hadn't been claimed by the KKK. This was due to many things, like secret KKK cops, random poisonings, random black bodies, black church bombings that were unclaimed and so on. This shows that the fears of colored people being killed by the KKK were not unreasonable. The colored people finally took a stand and held multiple protests, some violent but many advocated for peaceful protests. It took a long time but it did work and now, many many years later we had a black president.

Respuesta :



1. On the third line you wrote enormus, it's meant to be enormous

2. "you would always be put down and act like you were less than a person by white people" - I don't really understand what your trying to imply

3. "While using public transportation you were treated like a " - Use 'Black people' not 'you' since this is the subject.

4. "Colored people were even forced to sit in the back of the bus even if it was empty. " - I thought they were meant to stand?

5. "find a colored bathroom because some" - What colour bathroom?

6.  "6 million of them around 1924." - Good use of statistics

7. " the KKK also" - The place where you mention Ku Klux Klan, put in brackets KKK

Overall, this is a strong 500-word essay. This is a good and informative essay as well so you should be proud of yourself.
