Polygon ABCD is translated to create polygon A′B′C′D′. Point A is located at (1, 5), and point A′ is located at (-2, 3). Which expression defines the transformation of any point (x, y) to (x′, y′) on the polygons

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Step-by-step explanation:

Notice that we can get from the x-coordinate of A, 1, to the x-coordinte of A', -2, by subtracting 3 from the x-coordinate of A. More formaly:




Similarly, we can get from the y-coordinate of A, 5, to the y-coordinate of A', 3, by subtracting 2 from the y-coordinte of A. More formaly:




Now we now that to get to A' from A, we need to subtract 3 to the x-coordinate of A and subtract 2 to the y-coordinate. Knowing this, we can create the expression to translate any point of the polygon ABCD to create the polygon A'B'C'D':
