
Read and choose the option with the correct answer, based on what you learned from the lesson.

Mi nombre es Estela. Yo tengo que poner y quitar la mesa y lavar los platos cada día con mi mamá. Mi papá no tiene que poner ni quitar la mesa ni lavar los platos.
Tengo que barrer y fregar el piso con mi mamá cada << each >> semana. Mi amigo Pepe no tiene que barrer ni fregar el piso.
—Ana, ¿tienes que limpiar cada día?
—Sí, tengo que pasar la aspiradora el martes y lavar los platos los lunes, miércoles y viernes. Mi hermano, << brother >> no tiene que pasar la aspiradora el martes ni lavar los platos.

Based on what you learned from the lesson, which country are Estela and Ana describing?

Respuesta :


Based on the text, I would say that Estela and Ana are describing Argentina.


Actually I am missing what you learned during the lesson. However, by the way they talk and the words Estela and Ana use I would say they are located in Argentina. It could be also consider Spain as another option, since the language they use is Spanish, so definitely they are not talking about USA or Germany. There are no specific expressions that can make us differentiate easily if they are talking about Spain or Argentina.


Has to be Spain.


There's more inequality in Spain.