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perhaps one of the many civilizations that were once in the middle east/Levant like the Phoenician empire

The Phoenicians had a great sea trading empire. They were very famous for many things including the alphabet, cedar ships, and purple cloth. They were very involved in trade, art, and religion. Phoenicia was an ancient civilization

The Phoenicians named in greek means purple men. The greek gave them the name because they made purple dye.The purple dye was found in the Mediterranean sea

The Phoenician alphabet is derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs. It became one of the most widely used writing systems, spread by Phoenician merchants across the Mediterranean world, where it evolved and was assimilated by many other cultures.

they gave the world one of its greatest gifts: The modern alphabet system.

so the legacies of the Phoenicians include:

The spread of the alphabet throughout the Mediterranean extended literacy beyond a narrow caste of hierarchical priests.

They re-opened the trade routes in the Eastern Mediterranean that connected the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations after the long hiatus of the Bronze Age collapse recovered, beginning the "Orientalising" trend later seen in Greek art.

They invented a more democratic and flatter oligarchic social structure than any people prior to the Athenian revolution, and in this were an inspiration to Greek constitutional government.

They pioneered the development of multi-tiered oared shipping throughout the Mediterranean region, being the first people exploring beyond the Straits of Gibraltar.

They were the first Eastern Mediterranean people to colonise the Western Mediterranean in any significant way (The Shardana may have preceded them in Sardinia), opening up urban development and trade in this region.

Greeks, Etruscans, and Romans freely admitted what they owed to the Phoenicians, and Phoenician influence can be traced in the Iberian and Celtic worlds from the 8th century BC onwards.

It is possible that Zeno of Citium, the founder of Stoicism, was of Phoenician heritage. Diogenes Laërtius writes that Crates once chastised Zeno, crying out, "Why run away, my little Phoenician?