Which theme is reinforced in the excerpt below from Shakespeare's hamlet Rightly to be great is not to stir without great arguement, but greatly to fin quarrel in a straw when honors at the stake. How stand I, then, that have a father kill'd, a mother strain'd, excitements of my reason and my blood and let all sleep[?] Options: A. Appearance versus reality B. Complexity of action C. Impossibility of certainty D. Mystery of death

Respuesta :

a appreance vs reality will be one

The theme that is reinforced in the excerpt from Shakespeare's Hamlet is letter B: the complexity of action.

This soliloquy refers to the eaner feelings of Hamlet of taking revenge.

This passage is considered a turning point for Hamlet: he is watching that lots of men will die for fighting for a piece of territory while he that has a lot of reason to fight (because he has a father killed and a mother stained) does nothing at all so that he decides to take revenge.